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某咨询公司的知识管理英文(ppt 30页)


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Knowledge Management at Bain
Most executives are not happy with KM
Why KM Often Fails
Bain has created a leading KM capability
Why KM matters to consulting firms
Knowledge example in consulting
Overview of Bain and Company
Many KM failures over our first 26 years
Bain’s approach for getting it right
The objectives of KM for Bain
Bain’s knowledge is centered around our case teams
Our content strategy
The BVU and GXC
GXC 2.0 home page
Additional screen shots removed due to sensitivity
Presentations are in an easy-to-use, web-based format
BVU video modules
The GXC has changed the way Bain works
Bain knowledge creation and capture
Many roles make this process work
Knowledge Brokers at Bain
Metrics and incentives
So what’s the impact?
Our framework for KM impact
What we know so far
Our next steps
Our key learnings


上一篇:市场调查报告和信息咨询(ppt 40页)

下一篇:高效团队咨询的16个角度(ppt 55页)

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咨询模式,程序,和技巧(doc 26页)

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