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工厂咨询调查试题(pdf 5页)


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1. 客户类型Customer Type
􀀀 加工Processing 􀀀 组装Assembling 􀀀 消费品Consumable 􀀀 化工Mechanical
􀀀 电子Electronics 􀀀 汽车零部件Auto Parts 􀀀 医药Medical 􀀀 其他Others
2. 产品Product _____________________ 雇员人数Number of Employees_____________________
3. 制造类型Manufacturing Type 􀀀 离散型Discrete 􀀀 重复型Repetitive
4. 销售额Sales Revenue______________________
II. 技术信息Basic Information
1. 是否有局域网?Do they have a LAN? 􀀀是Yes 􀀀否No
2. 是哪种类型的局域网?What is the type of LAN?(列类型供选择)___________________
3. 是否有数据库,是哪种类型?What database do they use if any? (列类型供选择)___________
4. 是否有电脑,数量多少?How many PCs are they using now if any? ________________________________
5. 是怎样的平台?What kinds of platform? (列类型供选择)___________________________
6. 是否正在使用管理信息系统, 使用情况如何?Are they using a MIS now? How about it?__________________
7. 是否有财务系统,是什么系统?What financial system are they using now if any?______________________
8. 有多少工作地点?How many physical sites do they have? ______________________________________
9. 是否通过ISO9000认证?Have they passed the certification of ISO9000? 􀀀是Yes 􀀀否No
10. 工厂生产中存在着怎样的困难?What issues in your factory harrass you most?(过于开放)__________

上一篇:某工厂管理计划、采购、仓储(ppt 42页)

下一篇:5s推动工厂改善的摇篮(ppt 78页)

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5s推动工厂改善的摇篮(ppt 78页)

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