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材料科学复习资料(英文版)(doc 6页)


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Thermoplastic plastics are generally best for type impact
of service conditions
Polycarbonates ( PC )Provides the substrate for CD-ROMs because they possess excellent optical properties as well as hardness and toughness
Better toughness allow plastics compete strongly with optical glasses
Anaerobic adhesivesretain their fluid state when exposed to oxygen ,  but when squeezed into thin joints that block the . oxygen , they set up into hard , strong adhesives.
The advantage ( s )of Light weight , load spreading , join sealing would adhesive bonding have over other joining methods
A field that involves the generation and application of knowledge relating to the composition,structure and processing of materials to their properties and use,
Materials Science And Engineering
Recycling Plastics  is the most effective approach to making plastic more environmentally friendly .
Blow molding  can be applied  to thermoplastics only .
Rayon, Polyacrylonitrile  are used to Produce carbon fibers


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