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新产品导入程序管理专题培训(英文版)(ppt 32页)


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一、Introduction for NPI
二、The Focus for NPI
三、What is customer’s most  concern during NPI process?
四、NPI Process


Pre-study Phase:
Sales manager will call related people to review the sales offer, forecast, project budget and agreement.At the same time,product engineers need to ask for the informations such as product specifics and production requirement  from PM or customer to know the prouct in advance.
Facility plan.                                                                                       
PM should call production manager, WH manager, facility manager to define the location:
which SMT line can be adequate use?                                                                                                                                                                                             
where to allocate the production line?                                                                                                    
where to store the finished goods ?   



上一篇:产品成功要素与开发模式(ppt 52页)

下一篇:新产品构思与创意形成(ppt 26页)

有关扩展的公共产品定义及其阐释(pdf 12页)

家电下乡产品操作说明书(pdf 9页)

农产品市场体系课件(PPT 106页)

商贸产品知识培训课件(ppt 82页)

娃哈哈方法-第三章 与高手下棋(doc 39页)

工业产品的全生命周期管理(ppt 41页)

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