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Foundations of Individual Behavior(英文)(ppt 21页)


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Foundations of  Individual Behavior(英文)内容提要:
Biographical Characteristics--Age
Age-Turnover:The older you get,the less likely you are to quit your job.
 Absenteeism:Inversely related? 
Older -- higher rates of unavoidable absence
 Productivity declines with age?  Unrelated
Satisfaction:Most--positive association;U-Shaped.Professionals:continually increase; Nonprofessionals:falls during middle age ,--rise

There is no significant difference in job Productivity between males and females.
No evidence indicates gender affects Job satisfaction
Absenteeism,women have higher rates of--.  Family ,Time bound?
Turnover,mixed evidence.Some found females to have higher---;no difference

Intellectual Ability dimensions
Number aptitude--speedy accurate arithmetic
Verbal Comprehension--read,heard,words
Perceptual speed--Fire investigator
Inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning
Spacial visualization---interior decorator
Memory--Salesperson:names of


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