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三星集团的竞争对手分析(英文版)(ppt 43页)


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Business Building:
Founded as a joint venture in 1996, construction was completed in 1997.
Conducted accurate market forecast and implemented just in order inventory management.
Inventory turn-over less than two days.
Made profit the next year.

Corporate mission
“We, the Toshiba Group companies, based on our total commitment to people and to the future, are determined to help create a higher quality of life for all people, and to do our part to help ensure that progress continues within the world community"

Three-layer structure of Toshiba R&D
First layer focusing on technology trends in the next 3-5 years
Second layer focusing on multi-media technology and technology trends in the next 2-3 years
Third layer focusing on product development
Toshiba R&D in China
Established "R&D department" in Beijing, April 2001
Plan to develop it into "Toshiba (China) R&D center” in October 2001 which will be the third overseas R&D center of Toshiba
Plan to have 250 people this year and expand to 500 people  in R&D center in 2005


上一篇:企业竞争环境的研究分析(ppt 30页)

下一篇:现代企业战略管理--竞争对手分析(ppt 78页

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企业基于系统效率的竞争优势(ppt 64页)

完全竞争的市场(ppt 19页)

2004年度中国某银行竞争力研究分析报告(doc 16页)

e-Learning行业档案竞争对手分析教材(PPT 31页)

策略形成架构与分析技术(ppt 28页)

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