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如何从无到有创建品牌(ppt 61页)


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Background(Cont’d) 背景:
To solve the problem, President wished to create a new brand for its dairy products, capitalizing on the competitive edge of its superior refrigeration facilities and distribution system. In Taiwan, any beverage  that comes in a Tetra Pak - be it a high-cost coffee or a low-cost soy milk - is always sold for either NT$10 or NT$15. And any beverage that comes in a can is always sold for NT$20.
为此“统一”希望为它的乳类食品建立一个新牌子,利用其在台湾具竞争力的冷冻设施及分配系统。在台湾,以Tetra Pak包装的饮料 - 不论是高价的咖啡还是低价的豆奶 - 价钱总是10或15元新台币。罐头包装饮料则卖 20元。
With the strong competition in the market and the ever-increasing cost of raw materials, we thought it would be great if we could sell the same kinds of beverages, in packages of the same volume, for a price of NT$25。


上一篇:TCL品牌的策划纲要(ppt 73页)

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