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网通公司战略咨询报告(英文版)(ppt 52页)


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一、Key strategic principles
二、Regulatory overview
三、Market overview
四、Competition overview
五、Business models
六、Next steps


Business Models
Domestic and international long-distance voice
Enterprise solutions
Issues going forward
Offnet VOIP predicted to generate to provide breakeven economics for building backbone1
Wholesale revenue provides significant upside potential
Majority of wholesale revenue relies on access to mobile carriers
Enterprise solutions economics very attractive, but  substantial complexity and resources involved
High-bandwidth international gateway critical to success in both wholesale and enterprise
Economic predictions highly sensitive to a set of key assumptions
Accelerate vendor selection and backbone construction; time to market critical
Commitment to utilizing IP/DWDM invlolves risk to mobile carrier business
RFP to vendors should be based on product requirements vs. technology
Staging of investments and service launch must consider tradeoff between quality of service and coverage
Preliminar talks with international carriers should begin ASAP
Scenario modeling will help us decide where to focus





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