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MKXZ:三星竞争对手分析(英文版)(ppt 28页)


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How does Nokia position itself now and in 2005?
What are Nokia’s product and value delivery system strategies that differentiate itself from its competitors?
How does its current market position help achieve its goal?
What is Nokia’s key product offerings and how does Nokia differentiate its products from its competitors’?
What customer segments is Nokia targeting at?
In which geographic areas is Nokia strong or weak?
How does Nokia’s product development meet customer requirement?
How do Nokia’s distribution channels differ from its competitors’?
Why does Nokia launch exclusive specialist shops? 
How does Nokia provide customer services?
How much does Nokia invest in JVs and WOFEs in China, and what are the main drivers?
How does Nokia organize to enable the JVs and WOFEs to work together?
How strong is Nokia’s performance and what are the major contributors?
What is Nokia’s performance trend?

上一篇:伦理优势与竞争优势的若干理论(ppt 66页)

下一篇:一汽大众建立独特的竞争优势(ppt 54页)

不完全竞争市场理论教材(PPT 118页)

反不正当竞争法和消费者权益保护法概述(PPT 117页)

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