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一个标准的解决问题方法(PPT 66页)


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CA-PDCA Problem Solving

What is a Standard?

 A practice that is widely recognized or employed, especially because of its excellence.
Understanding Problems and Standards

The standard is a numerically defined and measurable representation of what, and how, we want to do something in order to attain an expected result.

“Without standards…..there are no problems”



What is a Problem?
A problem is  a discrepancy (difference) between the current situation and the standard.

A difference between what is happening and what should be happening.
When you see a Problem?
“Check” what is Happening.

Contain the Problem. Do not let it continue to happen.

“Act”-Implement Temporary fix.


上一篇:有效的教学方法与授课技巧(PPT 16页)

下一篇:系统的解决问题的方法1(PPT 68页)

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