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点评级评价计划(英文版)(ppt 39页)


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Job Evaluation Principles
focus on the work done not on the individual doing the work
concerned with what is done, how it’s done and why - not with how well
job worth is measured using factors
Objectives of Job Evaluation
to establish a hierarchy of jobs or groups of jobs in the organization
to provide a consistent approach to the way jobs are evaluated
to recognize that similarities and differences among jobs is an important aspect
 Factors are the yardsticks by which job size or job worth is measured.
measure the variables/differences in jobs
identify what the organization values
Professional/Content Knowledge
knowledge about practical procedures, specialized techniques, professional and scientific disciplines
measures both depth and breadth (i.e. specialist and generalist jobs)
Complexity and Diversity
analytical/conceptual skills needed for planning, organizing, directing and staffing…
may be exercised consultatively or directly
skills to harness resources, reconcile conflict, bring units/interests together

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