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企业咨询管理的艺术(英文版)(ppt 62页)


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Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, you will walk away with rules of thumb to help you thrive in the PwC consulting environment.
Toward this end, the session will help provide:
a greater understanding of how the firm will evaluate your performance and the implications for what you need to do and how you need to do it
a greater awareness of what you can expect when you arrive on a project and an understanding of how you can contribute
new (or refreshed) skills for data gathering and interviewing
a preliminary personal development plan for the next 6-12 months
Defining Question
Can the consultant operate with minimum direction?
Can the consultant survive, and even thrive, when faced with an ill-defined, unfamiliar situation?
Is the consultant willing to take ownership of a problem or task and be held accountable for its resolution?
Can the consultant develop unique, “out of the box” approaches and solutions that leverage existing content?
Is the consultant unwilling “to take no for an answer” when it comes to data collection and analysis?

上一篇:重型车市场咨询报告(ppt 50页)

下一篇:咨询行业的行为规范(ppt 49页)

联想咨询服务报告-建立成功的财务管理体系(PPT 84页)

服装行业精益生产实施案例白皮书-国际咨询(PDF 56页)

中国主要汽车品牌知识培训手册咨询(PPT 104页)

管理咨询顾问常用的方法和工具概述(PPT 80页)


初入职者思维培训(pdf 9)

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