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电力危机咨询报告(英文版)(ppt 14页)


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Action needs to be taken today to prevent another energy crisis
CEC estimates indicate that operating reserves could drop below typical “emergency” levels if we have a hot summer
Unfortunately, the CEC’s demand estimates appear low relative to trend and a “high demand case” (i.e., hot summer) may be as likely as a 1-in-5 occurrence
Taking into account realistic levels of future demand, operating reserves could be extremely tight by 2006 – as low as 5.8% (in a 1-in-5 year demand case)
5 steps that will ensure a long-term sustainable market for powerNew generation needs to be built today, given the long lead time, and a mechanism for market-based contracts with utilities needs to be introduced
California should introduce mandatory time-of-use metering for all classes of customers
New transmission needs to be built and facilitated through a expedited and  coordinated approval process by the PUC, ISO, CEC, and FERC
A formal capacity market combined with a mandatory planning reserve target (e.g., 15-20%) needs to be in place by 2006
The State should re-introduce elements of retail choice, providing an opportunity for large consumers to shop for power


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