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某公司项目建议书(英文版)(ppt 97页)


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The global logistics services market reached an estimated US$ 190 Bn in 2000. The China market is still small at US$ 0.61 Bn, but will be growing rapidly at CAGR 35% over the next five years
Customers are increasingly demanding high value logistics service solutions, requiring global reach and advanced supply chain management capabilities
Increasing demand for global reach and capabilities fuels consolidation as large full service providers are positioning themselves for success
China’s entry into WTO is expected to have two main implications - the logistics market will grow rapidly, and competitive intensity will dramatically increase
Strong IT capabilities is becoming a core capability of logistics services providers and is critical to building a logistics services business
The global logistics outsourcing market is estimated to US$ 190 Bn in 2000
The transportation and related expenditures market reached an estimated US$ 3.8 Trillion in 2000, and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 2.3% over the next 5 years
The Asian logistics outsourcing market is estimated to reach US$ 31 Bn in 2001 and is expected to grow at CAGR 39% over the next five years
The greatest opportunities for outsourcing are in transport, warehousing, and transport management
The growth of the global logistics services industry is mainly driven by shippers’ propensity to outsource logistics services and organic transportation market growth
Customer electronics, automotive and apparel represent the most attractive opportunities for logistics services in China

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