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微软公司服务管理项目建议书(英文版)(ppt 53页)


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We are very pleased to have this opportunity to submit the following proposal
to Microsoft to partner  with  the Company  in  the design and
implementation of a comprehensive customer satisfaction system.
Based upon our discussions with you and our understanding of the Microsoft
environment,  following is our understanding of your needs and expectations :
Develop a systematic process for gathering data from internal and
   external customers of Worldwide  Operations (Financial Operations, ITG
   and Manufacturing)
Use the information gathered to develop a process  for continuous improvement
  Identify business processes
  Re engineer key processes to align them with the customer
  Develop performance measures to re-enforce desired behavior
  Benchmark best practices in customer satisfaction
Drive out unnecessary cycle time to reduce cost
Use the system to support being a business advisor to the customer
Consistent with the approach used for the workflows project, our process designers will work with Microsoft personnel assigned to the team.  This is important to ensure the design and implementation of the customer satisfaction process is a  Microsoft  driven effort and not an outside consultant’s project.  In addition, the approach ensures ownership of the process and its results transfer to the Company.  Following are some of the key points regarding how we will approach  the process of designing and implementing a comprehensive customer satisfaction system with Microsoft:
 Centrally managed and controlled by a team based in Seattle
 Utilize the insight and expertise of worldwide experts /resources:
 Customer Satisfaction ,
  Global Best Practices
  Performance measurement
  Process Design and re engineering
  Financial operations, Information Systems, manufacturing and distribution
 Multiple tasks and processes  will be performed in parallel 
 Phased initiative to maintain and build  momentum    
 Utilize existing Microsoft tools to enhance efficiency and buy-in

上一篇:项目综合管理专题培训讲座(ppt 194页)

下一篇:项目的宝义、计划与控制(ppt 62页)

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工程项目组织策划概述课件(PPT 76页)

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