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MKXZ为三星做的项目《标杆企业研究》(ppt 21页)(英文版)


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To lead in the creation, development and manufacturing of the industry’s most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics
To translate these advanced technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions and services businesses worldwide
To be no. 1 player globally in information products, solution provider and service provider
Shift product-oriented strategy to industry-oriented development strategy
Define E-commerce as focus of IBM business in China
Position PC as part of EoN (edge of the net) concept instead of a standalone product
Gradually exist* PC business in the next seven years globally by selling it to Dell with Dell's promise to purchase IBM's components in return


上一篇:某企业的项目总结报告(ppt 128页)

下一篇:麦肯锡如何同客户合作项目(pdf 61页)

某公司财务物流项目实施方案(DOC 47页)

如何开展项目管理知识分析顾问(PPT 74页)

过程和项目度量概述(PPT 62页)

建筑工程定额与预算培训课件(PPT 48页)

融资租赁项目实务操作流规程(ppt 56页)

某市场项目管理及前期策划管理知识分析建议书(PPT 102页)

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