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某项目咨询报告英文(ppt 125页)


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Project Introduction and Background
Customer Survey-  Survey Approach-  Survey Results-  Findings and Opportunities
Logistics Network-  EOQ inventory modeling-  Logistics network modeling
Recommendations and next steps
      - Process flow
      - Cost analysis


The overall objective of Electrolux China Network Strategy Project is to optimize the distribution network configuration in terms of:
      -  Meeting customer service   requirements;
      -  Achieving minimum costs; and
      -  Controlling the entire outbound  logistics process.
Increased Revenue- Improved product availability and promising capabilities- Scalability to meet future business requirements.- Improved responsiveness to market conditions.- Optimized fill rate capability.- More flexible, responsive delivery options- More value-added services.
Reduced logistics costs- Improved end to end supply chain visibility- Lower cost-to-serve in transportation and distribution
Improved asset productivity- Fewer stock locations through rationalization to achieve higher network productivity
Reduced working capital- Lower LDC stocks through more flow-throughs, smaller more frequent orders, centralized slow movers,  better use of supplier stocks etc.


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