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ISO90012000 标准框架(PPT 86页)


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     Meeting  Rules 会议守则
All the meeting attendees must be on time all the time. 准时
Only one person should talk at one time , the other attendees should pay attention. 倾听
All questions should be related to clarification instead of criticism. 澄清而不是批评
The meeting should have a clearly defined objective. 会议目标
Attendees should adhere to an agenda to ensure staying on track and meeting the objectives. 议程



上一篇:ISO9001-质量体系-要求(DOC 50页)

下一篇:ISO90012000 质量管理体系(PPT 35页)

质量管理文件QS认证(doc 71页)

实验室认可准则CNAAC012005的变化(ppt 30)

福特QS9000各种检查表(xls 12)

质量职业安全管理体系整合培训课件(PPT 208页)


HACCPP体系认证新要求介绍(PPT 70页)

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