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六西格玛-新世纪的管理战略和实践(ppt 20页)


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Six Sigma 在摩托罗拉( Motorola)
We quickly learned if we could control variation, we could get all parts and processes to work and get to end result of 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Or a Six Sigma Level. It was shorthand for people to understand that if you can control the variation you can achieve remarkable result.
Robert W. Galvin, Chairman Emeritus of Motorola, Inc.
Win Malcolm Baldrige Award 1989
Six Sigma 在霍尼韦尔Honeywell(AlliedSignal)
At the end of day, Six Sigma is much less of a technical program, although it has a lot of technical tools, than it is a leadership and cultural change program.

上一篇:六西格玛管理与客户质量管理(ppt 21页)

下一篇:如何选择六西格玛项目(pdf 39页)

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6西格玛经理人1(PDF 68页)

六西格玛管理法导论(PPT 168页)

六西格玛价值体现(pdf 13页)

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