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珠宝行业基于胜任力的绩效考核系统(英文)(ppt 56页)


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Key goals
Aligning employees with organisational vision, mission, values and strategies.
Distributing “just in time” learning opportunities.
Integrating performance systems
Building and retaining intellectual capital

Behavioural competencies
Properties of the person
What people ARE?
Underlying characteristics of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job situation.
e.g. achievement orientation

Best practices - behavioural
Develop a competency model.
Establish criterion samples
Compare high performers with low performers.
Behaviour event interviews
Expert panels
Studying incumbent/future jobs.


上一篇:珠宝行业基于企业战略的绩效考核(ppt 74页

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