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医疗行业业绩卓越奖及波多里奇奖(1)(ppt 125页)


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The Emerging of Baldrige Award 波多里奇奖的出现
Others, such as General Motors didn't understand this at all. GM's response was to "bet the farm" on a strategy of using technology to replace people, which proved to be a disastrous. Other companies became convinced that they were the victims of "dumping" and sought legislation that simply forced more efficient foreign companies to increase their margins by charging U.S. customers more.

In the midst of this debate, those who had followed the spread of quality management in Asia—and its decline in the U.S.A.—knew that this knowledge gap was a significant part of the problem. Following the example of the Deming Prize, various attempts were made to create a U.S. national quality award as a tool to raise awareness and promote the sharing of knowledge. There was even a private bill drafted for Congress to establish such an award, but these efforts got nowhere.

Is TQM dying?全面质量管理是否正在衰退?
A study performed by K. B. Kevin and V. R. Singhal to link TQM to bottom-line measures of performance.
由K. B. Kevin 和 V. R. Singhal进行的研究将全面质量管理与业绩的底线测量相联系。
600 companies who have effectively implemented TQM are selected. Companies with:选择了600家有效实施全面质量管理的公司。他们:
Focusing on customer satisfaction,以顾客满意为中心,
Encouraging employee involvement,鼓励全员参与,
Continuous improvement well accepted, practiced, and deployed,接受、进行并坚持持续改进,
Wining of some types of quality award. 成功获得某些质量奖项。


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