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通信行业5竞争动态研究(ppt 48页)


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二、From Competitors to Competitive Dynamics
三、Effect of Competitive Rivalry on a Firm’s
四、A Model of Competitive Rivalry
五、Competitive Rivalry
六、Competitor Analysis
七、Market Commonality
八、Resource Similarity
九、A Framework of Competitor Analysis
十、Drivers of Competitive Actions and Responses:


firms operating in the same market, offering similar products and targeting similar customers
Competitive rivalry
the ongoing set of competitive actions and responses occurring between competitors
competitive rivalry influences an individual firm’s ability to gain and sustain competitive advantages

Competitive Rivalry
Firms are mutually interdependent
one firm’s competitive actions have noticeable effects on competitors
one firm’s competitive actions elicit competitive responses from competitors
competitors feel each other’s actions and responses
Marketplace success is a function of both individual strategies and the consequences of their use

Drivers of Competitive Actions and Responses:
A firm is more likely to attack the rival with whom it has low market commonality than the one with whom it competes in multiple markets
Because of the high stakes of competition under the condition of market commonality, there is a high probability that the attacked firm will respond to its competitor’s action in an effort to protect its position in one or more markets.


上一篇:通信行业Business-Level Strategy(ppt 62

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