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SCM供应链管理与响应能力(中英文版)(ppt 62页)


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Sketch of Sport Obermeyer Timing of Operations and Orders Throughout the Year:
  The intangible costs of coordination include the cost of inventory meant to ensure that products are available.
  Reason 1: managers typically place orders with their own suppliers before they receive their “customers” orders, so they must forecast—or guess—how much demand there will be for which of their large variety of items. Sport Obermeyer places its orders in November, but only receives its first orders from retailers in March, all for a selling season that begins in September
  Reason 2: The organizations in supply chain often do not share information about sales forecasts; instead, each level of the supply chain uses finished goods inventory to try to have on hand what is needed for their customers: each supplier makes extra orders “just-in-case,” swelling raw materials and finished goods inventories. Because they pass orders up and down the supply chain with lots of guessing, they (in addition) tend to exaggerate small changes seen at the consumer level-just as in a large game of telephone in which each person whispers the message they hear to the next person, but the message become highly garbled after a fairly short series of transmissions


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