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HC Effectiveness - Revenue Factor
HC Effectiveness - Expense Factor
HC Effectiveness - Income Factor
HC Effectiveness - Human Capital ROI
HC Valuation - Compensation Revenue Factor
HC Valuation - Compensation Expense Factor
HC Valuation - Compensation Factor
HC Valuation - Executive Compensation
HC Valuation - Supervisory Compensation
HC Investment - Development Rate
HC Investment - Training Investment
HC Investment - Training Cost Factor
HC Depletion - Voluntary Turnover
HC Depletion - Involuntary Turnover
HC Depletion - Total Separation Rate
Significant Pearson Correlations
1st measure                   and               2nd measure Pearson

Human Capital Effectiveness
Revenue Factor  Average tenure at company of Supervisors 0.696**
Revenue Factor Average tenure at company of Administrative 0.670**
Expense Factor Average tenure at company of Executives 0.632**
Expense Factor Average tenure at company of Supervisors 0.624**
Expense Factor Average tenure at company of Administrative 0.647**
Income Factor Average tenure at company of Supervisors 0.640**

Human Capital Valuation
Compensation Factor Headcount percentage breakdown of Executives 0.686**

Human Capital Investment
Training cost per trained employee Average age of Executives - 0.847**
Training cost per trained employee Average age of Professionals - 0.942**
Training cost per trained employee Average tenure of Professionals - 0.895**

Human Capital Depletion
Voluntary turnover Average tenure at company of Administrative - 0.705**




资本市场新制度与中小企业特点探讨(ppt 54页)

资本市场与长期筹资(PPT 64页)

企业资本周转能力分析(ppt 47页)


资本预算分析案例(ppt 40页)

第七章 净现值和资本预算(PPT 29页)

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