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国际贸易及电子商务管理知识分析(PPT 117页)


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国际贸易及电子商务管理知识分析(PPT 117页)目录:

第一章 国际贸易术语
第二章 主要贸易条件
第三章 商品的价格
第四章 国际货物运输
第五章 国际货物运输保险
第六章 国际货款的收付
第七章 检验、索赔 、不可抗力与仲裁
第八章 合同的磋商
第九章 合同的履行
第十章 国际贸易方式


国际贸易及电子商务管理知识分析(PPT 117页)简介:

1)DAF (Delivered at Frontier.…named place) 边境交货(……指定地点)
2)DES(Delivered Ex Ship.…named port of destination目的港船上交货(……指定目的港)
3)DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay,…named Port Of destination)目的港码头交货(……指定目的港 )
4)DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid,…named place of destination)未完税交货(…·指定目的地)
5)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid,…named place of destination)完税后交货(…指定目的地)

(1)用文字说明表示商品的品质(Sale by Description)
①凭规格、等级或标准买卖(Sale by Specification, Grade or Standard)
 商品规格(Specification): The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc.
 商品的等级(Grade) The grade of the goods refers to the classifications of the commodity of the goods which is indicated by words, numbers or symbols. The classifications are usually decided by different qualities, weights, compositions, appearances, properties, etc.
 商品的标准(Standard) The standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the government or the chambers of commerce, etc.
②凭牌号或商标买卖(Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark)
 As to the goods whose quality is stable, reputation is sound and with which the customers are quite familiar, we may sell it by brand name or trade mark.
③凭产地名称买卖(Sale by Name of Origin)
It is suitable for some agricultural products and by-products whose origins are well- known all over the world.



上一篇:国际贸易及实务管理知识试题答案(DOC 47页

下一篇:国际贸易及管理知识术语分析(PPT 106页)

北京城乡贸易中心股份有限公司2002年年报告(pdf 63)

有关世界贸易组织与国际贸易的论文(doc 7页)

世界贸易组织(WTO)的贸易体制(ppt 29页)

联合国商品贸易统计数据使用指南(ppt 40页)

对外贸易管制与海关监管(doc 26页)

国际贸易装箱单(PPT 30页)

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