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网路咖—消费者行为之研究-大台北地区(doc 7)


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More and more people use the Internet to get more information since it was introduced into Taiwan. In the future, people will acquire most information from the Internet. Consequently, the Internet Café will become a new type of service by combining the Internet traditional coffee shops.
As a result of the popularity of the Internet and the Internet Café at the present time, Taiwan is really a new and developing market full of commercial chances to the Internet Café executives. We believe that it is in the future that there will be more and more Internet businesses such as Internet Beer House, Internet Pubs, and so on. At that time, each Internet Café executives has to draw up a long-term plan to win the competing Internet market. Therefore, it is hoped that the findings of this study will provide Internet Café executives a proper guidance and serve as their marketing strategies. Those findings are as follows.……

上一篇:中国消费者口碑传播影响力调查(doc 11)

下一篇:全国9城市彩信服务消费者调查报告(doc 8)

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消费者行为理论(ppt 43页)

消费者态度营销中的运用(ppt 32页)

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