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植入广告相关资料(英文版)(ppt 18页)


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To achieve the subtle promotion it deliberately(故意地) place products or logo in television drama,games .
It much better than hard selling because the audience is  disgusted with the advertising.
Types of product placement:
Real implanted
Style implanted
Overall implanted
Cultural implanted
South Korean drama “dae jang geum”
(大长今) is a typical example. With the introduction of  Korean food , acupuncture(针灸) method,south Korean clothing, architecture, moral, the Korean culture analogism,it start known by the audience.



上一篇:关于电影中植入广告的分析(ppt 26页)

下一篇:致中和龟苓膏广告策划书样本(ppt 51页)

某品牌香水广告策划案(doc 10页)

制片管理电视剧筹拍期的组织和任务(PPT 73页)

媒介策划方案(PPT 76页)

广告文案的基础知识(ppt 240页)

广告学及其理论体系课件(PPT 56页)

户外媒体发展趋势(ppt 13页)

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