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班博思市场营销培训资料(ppt 31页)(英文版)


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“Phenomena and events in the real worlddo not always fit a linear model. 
“Hence, the most reliable means of dissecting a situation into its constituent parts…
…and then reassembling them in the desired pattern is not a step-by-step methodology such as systems analysis.
“Rather, it is that ultimate non-linear thinking tool, the human brain.”
Traditional business thinking drives from Mission or Objective
In the real world, things can also be driven from the “bottom up.”
Wherever you start, all should be linked and integrated
A good framework to analyze your product and how it benefits the consumer.
Go up and down theladder to look for the strongest lines of development.
“The FCB Grid reveals in a graphic, tangible way how consumers approach the purchase of a particular product or service.”
Low Think - Practical and functional products
Low Feel - Sensate and pleasurable products
High Feel - Products that reflect on you
High Think - Considered purchases


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