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世界行销讲座之多元文化环境营销(PPT 21页)


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Chapter Learning Objectives
When you have completed your study of this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain how complex relationships among firms, countries, and regions influence world trade.
Understand how political, legal, and cultural issues influence global marketing strategies and outcomes.
Explain the strategies a firm can use to enter global markets.
Understand the arguments for standardization versus localization of marketing strategies in global markets, and understand how elements of the marketing mix apply in international markets.


上一篇:县公司经理营销与管理技能提升训练(PPT 2

下一篇:观众营销与运用(PPT 68页)

打造商科塑业营销通路新模式(doc 37页)

购销存系统初始化(ppt 34)

分公司经理每月要做的事(ppt 36页)

大话营销概述(PPT 46页)

工商银行市场营销的演变(doc 32页)

营销形式培训课件(PPT 40页)

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