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推销活动和公共关系分析(英文版)(ppt 23页)


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Advertising Objectives:
1、Specific Communication Task
2、Accomplished with a Specific Target Audience  
3、During a Specific Period of Time
        Informative Advertising Build Primary Demand
        Persuasive Advertising Build Selective Demand
        Comparison Advertising Compares One Brand to Another
        Reminder Advertising Keeps Consumers Thinking About a Product.
Profiles of Major Media Types:
1、Advantages: Flexibility, timeliness; good local market coverage;broad acceptance, high believability
2、Limitations: Short life; poor reproduction quality; small pass-along audience
1、Advantages: Combines sight, sound, motion; high attention; high reach; appealing to senses
2、Limitations: High absolute costs; high clutter; fleeting exposure;less audience selectivity
三、Direct Mail
1、Advantages: Audience selectivity; flexibility, no ad compe-tition within same medium; allows personalization
2、Limitations: Relative high cost; “junk mail” image
1、Advantages: Mass use; high geographic and demographic selectivity; low cost
2、Limitations: Audio only; fleeting exposure; lower attention;nonstandardized rates; fragmented audiences
1、Advantages: High geographic and demographic selectivity;credibility and prestige; high-quality reproduction;long life; good pass-along readership
2、Limitations: Long ad purchase lead time; waste circulation; no guarantee of position
1、Advantages: Flexibility; high repeat exposure; low cost; low message competition
2、Limitations: Little audience selectivity; creative limitations

上一篇:高阶推销的技巧(ppt 27页)

下一篇:面对面基本推销技巧(ppt 63页)

推销实战技巧培训篇(ppt 63页)

保险业务推销技巧(ppt 125页)

推销员培训(PPT 54页)

营销与推销(PDF 19页)

店面推销技巧实用培训课程(ppt 22页)

现代推销技术课程整体设计方案(ppt 38页)

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