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Today we are going to be talking about the mind of Chinese men. This is actually the result of a lot of plans that we have and observations we had in the market about what is motivating men. Motivating. The secret of advertising - actually the secret of brand loyalty - the secret to non-commoditization, the secret to China's fundamental economic challenge, which is of course overproduction and a deflationary price environment is the creation of brands that demand a price premium.

The point is that advertising starts from the consumer inside. The consumer inside. The consumer psychology is what he is to profit. That's where loyalty comes from. That isn't just talking to an audience, but having a dialogue. What is a consumer inside? A consumer inside is fundamental. It answers the question why. 它解释根本的东西,根本的行为。A consumer inside explains behaviour and practice. A consumer inside stops when you can no longer answer the question why. You know you have an inside when there is no more why. So what we are going to do today is ultimately using our experience to come up with what I call a "master consumer inside". That is the one thing you women need to know about Chinese men to secure their romantic loyalty. And then what we are going to do is to translate that inside into different, more specific marketing applications and advertising strategies. This is not quantitative. 不是定量的,是抽象的,是一种概念的。 今天的中国,是个历史的机会。It is the new era, it is the new golden horizon that everyone of you can grab upon. So everything is perfect. Well, you know from my last presentation, nothing is perfect. The best inside has conflict. In all of us, in our heart, we have some conflicts. Are there underlying tensions? Now I hope, as I go forward, you can trust me when I say 中国男人比美国男人好很多。他们是最厉害的,最激进的,最接受挑战的。他们不是消极的,是积极的,只是他们还有一些弱点。所有文化,都有它们的长处和自己的弱点,对不对?Let's try to 坦诚相待。




几种具体广告表现方式(doc 10页)

平面广告分类设计法则(ppt 35页)

现代广告的美学表现方法(ppt 54页)

某广场广告策划案(doc 20页)

黑弧-成都博瑞都市花园广告推广计划(开盘前)(PPT 19页)

高温工业电视系统系统组成及安装技巧(PPT 51页)

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