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现场改善培训课件(ppt 69页)


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手離化→ 人離化(人、機分離)
設 備 設 計合理化考慮因素
1.設備設計有關操作者方面(Machine design as related to operator)
1.5人體的動作應盡量用最低級而能得到滿意結果為妥   (Hand and body motions should be contined to the lowest classification with which         it is possible to perform the work satisfactorily)
1.6手柄設計應盡可能使與手之接觸面增磊   (Design for hand wheels as possible as increase the contact area wiith hand)
1.7機器上的操作杆,應能使工作都極少    變動其姿勢,且能獲得機器最大之效益   (Levers ,hand whells ,and other controls should be located in      such postions that the operator can manipulate them with the     least change in body position and with the greatest speed and     case)
1.8設備應靠近作業者,使作業點盡量拉近   (Equipment,,tools ,should be located close to the point of user)
1.9保持機器與人力操作之均衡,避免負荷過重以及不必要的閑置.   (Keep load balance of man and machine,to avoid overload or idle time)
2.設備移動性方面.   (Machine design as related to movability)
2.2不要有突出物、突錄及柱子.   (Don’t have a projection on machine outline)
2.3設備上的管線不要像蜘蛛網一樣雜亂.   (Piping or cable in machine should be put in order to be easy for maintaining)
2.5設備移動具有貨車化(WAGON)的功能   (Like a function of wagon while moving a machine j.e  auxiliary equipment       piping cable can be moved easily together machine)
3.工件在設備上的流動性.   (Workpiece flow in machine equipment)
3.2生產設備的設計,從產品入料到收料的時間必   須盡量減少 (Short processing cycle time is preferable)
3.5盡量不要隔離,容易成大房簡化,使人力配置更具彈性.(For flexible manpower allocation,no partition is preferable)
3.6設備結構應窄而深. (Narrowness in width {front side I.e operational side}and deepness in length {side view} on equipment outline)
4.設備的可轉性(Convertibility of machine)
4.2設備應從最基本的功能來累積,有必要時再加其他功能.    (Don’t install unnecessary function on machine,but provide the          possibility to add some other functions once necessary)
5.快速換模的實施  [Machine design related to single Minute Exchanage Die (SMED)]
6.設備布置流程化(Fitted with the flowline layout)
6.1水平流程不要垂直的實施(Vertical flow line iso horizontal line layout)
6.4如鍵一樣的拉動生產   (Pull production like a chain to move smoothly step by step)
6.6各程序周期時間Tact time化 (For line balancem, the          cycle time in each stage should be unified and harmonized)
6.7對不良品的態度:不做出來、不送出去、不接受進來,三個原則     (Three principles of defect handling in machine      1) Don’t pass it to next stage      2) Don’t accept it from previous stage      3) Don’t product it
7.3人員,機器工作縮減                    (Reduce the processing time of man / machine)
7.5過負荷自動保護                   (Self-stop protection once over loaded)
8.設備維護保養:                   (Machine design as related to repair and maintenance)
8.3 發生故障之前即予預防(Preventive maintenance)
8.5掌握當時的機械動作狀況及輸出入信號狀態:                   ( To be able to register or signalize the instant status of machine            whilst breakdown,hopefully the cause can be clearly indicated)
8.7簡易的故障排隊方法   (Simple repairing method/way to be adapted)


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下一篇:借鉴日资企业现场管理实务培训课件(ppt 7

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