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设备管理定义和术语(DOCX 83页)


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3 设备管理基础术语
3.12预防措施  preventive action
3.13纠正  correction
3.14纠正措施  corrective action
3.15目标管理 objective management
3.17装置 device
3.18机械 machine,machinery
3.19机器 machine
3.21机器系统  machine system
3.22系统  system
3.23设备附属装置  accessories of equipment
3.24生产设备  production equipment
3.25主要生产设备  main production equipment
3.26辅助生产设备  auxiliary production equipment
3.27成套设备  complete set of plant
3.28关键设备  critical equipment
3.29重点设备  key-point equipment
3.2设备管理   plant management ( PM),equipment management
3.3 设备全过程管理  life-cycle management of plant
3.30流程设备  flow process equipment
3.31流水线设备  flow-line equipment
3.32一点改善 (OPS)One point suggestion
3.33改善活动  Kaizen Activities
3.34一点课   (OPL) One Point Lesson
3.35知识   knowledge
3.36显性知识  explicit knowledge
3.37隐性知识  tacit knowledge
3.38知识管理  knowledge management
3.39知识资产  knowledge asset
3.40知识库  knowledge base/repository
3.41知识地图  knowledge map
3.42创新  innovation
3.43组织文化  organization culture
3.44数据  data
3.45概念图  concept map
3.46知识管理系统  knowledge management information system
3.47专家系统  expert system
3.48企业资产管理系统   (EAM) Enterprise Asset Management
3.49设备技术管理   technical condition management of plant
3.4设备管理体系 (PMS) plant management system
3.50设备功能状态管理   performance management of plant
3.51 设施 facilities
3.52 设备管理标准化  plant management standardization ( PMS)
3.5组织  organization
3.6设备管理方针  PM policy
3.7 设备管理目标 PM objective
3.8 设备管理绩效  Plant management performance
3.9设备管理评价 plant management assessment
3.设备前期管理术语            4.设备使用与维护术语
4.1 6S
4.10公共信息图形符号  public information graphical symbol
4.11设备用图形符号  graphical symbols for use on equipment
4.12(职业危害)告知卡  billboard
4.13化学品安全说明书  (MSDS) material safety data sheet
4.14设备安全装置  device safety feature (equipment safety devices)
4.15有限空间作业   confined spaces work
4.16产品标识  product identification
4.2五常法 5S
4.3源头改善  headstream kaizen
4.4可视化管理(VM)visual management
4.5:视觉识别系统  ( VI) visual identity
4.6定置管理  location-fixing management
4.7安全标志  safety sign
4.8安全色  safety cooler
4.9说明标志  explanatory sign
5.11设备规划   investment plant of plant
5.12设备规划可行性分析   feasibility studies of plant project
5.13可行性分析   feasibility study
5.14设备调研   investigation on plant
5.15设备选型   plant model selection
5.16经济可行性分析   economic feasibility analysis
5.17可维修性   maintainability
5.18设备的可靠性   reliability theory
5.19设备的节能性   energy saving property of plant
5.1设备前期管理  fore period management of plant
5.20设备的耐用性   durability or plant
5.21安全性   safety
5.22设备的安全性   safety of plant
5.24设备的环保性   environmental protection property of plant
5.25设备技术性能   technical properties of plant
5.26功能   function
5.27性能   performance
5.28可靠性  reliability
5.29方案论证   concept demonstration
5.2设备前期管理制度  regulation of fore period management of plant
5.30招标   invite tenders
5.31投标   bid tender
5.32开标  bid opening
5.33设备询价  to enquire plant price
5.34设备报价  to quote plant price
5.35设备型号  equipment model
5.36设备型式  type of equipment
5.37开箱检查   open-case inspection
5.38设备安装  equipment installation
5.39基础放线  foundation setting out

上一篇:设备管理信息系统详细设计(DOCX 39页)


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