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安全生产常用名词术语释义研究报告(DOC 53页)


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1  基础术语(Basic Terms)....1
1.1 安全(Safety)....1
1.2 安全生产(Safety Production)....1
1.3 文明生产(Civilized Production)....1
1.4 劳动安全(Labour Safety)....1
1.5 劳动保护(Labor Protection)....2
1.6 劳动卫生(Labor Health)....2
1.7 职业安全卫生(Occupational Health and Safety)....2
1.8 安全科学(Safety Science)....2
1.9 安全技术(Safety Technology)....3
1.10 系统安全(System Safety)....3
1.11 安全工程(Safety Engineering)....3
1.12 安全系统工程(Safety Systematic Engineering)....3
1.13 生产工艺安全(Production Process Safety)....3
1.14 本质安全(Inherent Safety)....3
1.15 功能安全(Functional Safety)....4
1.16 安全人机工程学(Safety Ergonomics)....4
1.17 人机匹配(Human-Machine Matching)....4
1.18 可靠性(Reliability)....4
1.19 可靠度(Reliability)....5
1.20 故障率(Fault Frequency Rate)....5
1.21 安全心理学(Safety Psychology)....5
1.22 安全原理(Safety Principle)....5
1.23 海因里希法则(Heinrich Law)....5
1.24 事故致因理论(Accident-Causing Theory)....5
1.25 事故频发倾向论(Accident Proneness Theory)....6
1.26 事故因果论(Causal Theory of Accident)....6
1.27 事故能量转移论(Accident-Energy Transfering Theory)....6
1.28 事故扰动起源论 (Theory on Perturbation Origin of Accident)....6
1.29 事故综合原因论(Comprehensive Theory of Accident Cause)....6
1.30 危险(Hazard)....6
1.31 危险源(Hazard)....6
1.32 重大危险源(Major Hazard Installations)....7
1.34 重大事故隐患(Major Hidden Danger of Accident)....7
1.35 危险物质(Dangerous Substances)....8
1.36 危险辨识(Hazard Identification)....8
1.37 危险分类(Hazard Classification)....8
1.38 危险分析(Hazard Analysis)....8
1.39 定性分析(Qualitative Analysis)....9
1.40 定量分析(Quantitative Analysis)....9
1.41 危险严重度(Hazard Severity)....9
1.42 危险等级(Risk Rating)....9
1.43 重大危险源辨识(Major Hazard Installations Identification)....9
1.44 风险(Risk)....10
1.45 风险管理(Risk Management)....10
1.46 风险认知(Risk Perception)....10
1.47 风险评价(Risk Assessment)....10
1.48 可接受风险(Acceptable Risk)....10
1.49 风险沟通(Hazard Communication)....11
1.50 风险治理(Risk Governance)....11
1.51 隐患治理(Hidden Risk Management)....11
1.52 不安全因素(Unsafe Factor)....11
1.53 危险因素(Dangerous Factor)....11
1.54 有害因素(Hazardous Factor)....12
1.55 不安全行为(Unsafe Act)....12
1.56 人为失误(Human Error)....12
1.57 不安全状态(Unsafe Status)....12
1.58 安全信息(Safety Information)....12
1.59 安全监控系统 (Safety Monitoring System)....13
1.60 安全防护(Safety Protection)....13
1.61 安全防护装置(Safety Device)....13
1.62 安全电压(Safety Voltage)....13
1.63 本质安全型电气设备(Intrinsically Safe Electrical Equipment)....13
1.64 防爆电气设备(Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres)....13
1.65 电气安全距离(Electrical Safe Distance)....14
1.66 安全标志(Safety Sign)....14
1.67 个体防护用品(Personal Protection Equipment)....14
1.68 燃烧(Combustion)....14
1.69 自燃(Spontaneous Combustion)....14
1.70 最小点火能量(Minimum Ignition Energy)....14
1.71 爆炸(Explosion)....15
1.72 化学爆炸(Chemical Explosion)....15
1.73 物理爆炸(Physical Explosion)....15
1.74 爆炸物(Explosive Substance)....15
1.75 民用爆破器材(Industrial Explosive Material)....15
1.76 工业炸药(Industrial Explosive)....15
1.77 爆竹(Firecracker)....16
1.78 烟花(Fireworks)....16
1.79 爆炸极限(Explosion Limit)....16
1.80 冲击波(Shock Wave)....16
1.81 瓦斯(Gas)....16
1.82 瓦斯煤矿(Gas Colliery)....16
1.83 瓦斯抽放(Gas Drainage)....17
1.84 风井(Air Shaft)....17
1.85 工作面(Working Face)....17
1.86 静电(Static Electricity)....17
1.87 电火花(Electric Spark)....17
1.88 接地电阻(Ground Resistance)....17
1.89 压力容器(Pressure Vessel)....18
1.90 锅炉(Boiler)....18
2  标准、制度与监督管理(Standards, System, Supervision and Management)....19
2.1 国家安全生产方针(National Safety Production Policy)....19
2.2 安全发展(Safety Development)....19
2.3 安全法制(Safety Legal)....20
2.4 安全生产法律(Safety Production Laws)....20
2.5 安全生产法规(Work Safety Regulation)....20
2.6 安全标准(Safety Standard)....20
2.7 劳动卫生标准(Occupational Health Standard)....20
2.8 安全技术规程(Safety Technical Regulations)....21
2.9 安全操作规程(Safety Operation Rule)....21
2.10 安全生产监管(Work Safety Supervision)....21
2.11 劳动安全监察(Labour Safety Inspection)....21
2.12 煤矿安全监察(Coal Mine Safety Supervision)....22
2.13 非法生产与违法生产(Illegal Production)....22
2.14 安全生产责任制(Safety Production Responsibility System)....22
2.15 可行性研究(Reliability Research)....22
2.16 安全认证(Safety Authentication)....22
2.17 安全许可(Safety Permission)....23
2.18 制造许可证(Manufacturing License)....23
2.19 产品检验(Product Inspection)....23
2.20 安全评价(Safety Assessment)....23
2.21 安全预评价(Safety Pre-assessment)....23
2.22 安全验收评价(Safety Assessment upon Completion)....23
2.23 安全现状评价(Safety Status Assessment)....24
2.24 特种作业(Special Operation)....24
2.25 特种作业人员(Special Operation Personnel)....24
2.26 特种设备(Special Equipment)....24
2.27 特种设备作业人员(Special Equipment Work Personnel)....24
2.28 劳动争议(Labour Disputation)....25
2.29 行政处罚(Administrative Punishment)....25
2.30 五同时(Safety Five-Simultaneities)....25
2.31 三同时(Safety Three-Simultaneities)....25
2.32 工伤保险(Occupational Injury Benefits)....25
2.33 安全管理(Safety Management)....26
2.34 安全目标管理(Safety Objective Management)....26
2.35 安全检查(Safety Inspection)....26
2.36 安全教育(Safety Education)....26
2.37 安全技能(Safety Skill)....27
2.38 安全文化(Safety Culture)....27
2.39 安全技术措施计划(Technical Measure Plan of Safety)....27
2.40 安全投入(Safety Investment)....27
2.41 安全成本(Safety Cost)....27
2.42 安全生产标准化(Safety Production Standardization)....27
2.43 职业健康安全管理体系(Occupational Health and Safety Management System)....28
2.44 安全绩效(Safety Performance)....28
2.45 安全生产指标体系(Index System of Safety Production)....28
2.46 事故(Accident)....28
2.47 生产安全事故(Production Safety Accident)....28
2.48 责任事故(Liability Accident)....29
2.49 非责任事故(Non-liability Accident)....29
2.50 事故等级(Accident Rank)....29
2.51 事故报告(Accident Report)....29
2.52 事故分析(Accident Analysis)....29
2.53 事故调查(Accident Investigation)....29
2.54 事故处理(Accident Management)....30
2.55 事故统计(Accident Statistics)....30
2.56 事故类别(Accident Type)....30
2.57 事故预防(Accident Prevention)....30
2.58 事故损失(Accident Loss)....30
2.59 直接经济损失(Direct Economic Loss)....31
2.60 间接经济损失(Indirect Economic Loss)....31
2.61 设备事故(Equipment Accident)....31
2.62 锅炉事故(Boiler Accident)....31
2.63 火灾事故(Fire Accident)....31
2.64 电气事故(Electrical Accident)....31
2.65 工伤(Injury)....32
2.66 轻伤事故(Minor Injury Accident)....32
2.67 重伤事故(Major Injury Accident)....32
2.68 死亡事故(Fatal Accident)....32
2.69 起因物(Substances or Objects Causing Accident Occurrence)....32
2.70 致害物(Substances or Objects Causing Injury)....32
2.71 车辆伤害(Vehicle Injury)....32
2.72 物体打击(Struck by Objects)....33
2.73 机械伤害(Mechanical Injury)....33
2.74 起重伤害(Lifting Injury)....33
2.75 触电(Electrical Shock and Injury)....33
2.76 电击(Electrical Shock)....33
2.77 电伤(Electrical Injury)....33
2.78 电气故障(Electrical Fault)....33
2.79 灼烫(Burns and Scalds)....34
2.80 高处坠落(Falls from Height)....34
2.81 坍塌(Collapse)....34
2.82 冒顶片帮(Roof Fall and Rib Spalling)....34
2.83 透水(Water Irruption)....34
2.84 锅炉爆炸(Boiler Explosion)....34
2.85 压力容器爆炸(Pressure Vessel Explosion)....35
2.86 中毒和窒息(Poisoning and Suffocation)....35
3  职业危害(Occupational Hazards)....36
3.1 职业危害(Occupational Hazards)....36
3.2 职业性有害因素(Occupational Hazards)....36
3.3 劳动条件(Work Condition)....36
3.4 劳动场所(Work Site)....36
3.5 健康监护(Health Surveillance)....36
3.6 环境监测(Environmental Monitoring)....37
3.7 经常性卫生监督(Regular Sanitary Inspection)....37
3.8 职业病(Occupational Disease)....37
3.9 职业病范围(Occupational Diseases)....37
3.10 尘肺(Pneumoconiosis)....37
3.11 矽肺(Silicosis)....37
3.12 石棉肺(Asbestosis)....37
3.13 煤工尘肺(Coal Worker Pneumoconiosis)....38
3.14 棉尘症(Cotton Dust Disease)....38
3.15 职业中毒(Occupational Poisoning)....38
3.16 毒性分级(Classification of Toxicity)....38
3.17 粉尘(Dust)....38
3.18 通风(Ventilation)....38
3.19 矿井通风(Mine Ventilation)....39
3.20 女职工劳动保护(Labour Protection of Women Workers)....39
3.21 女职工“四期”保护(Four-Period Protection of Women Workers)....39
3.22 未成年工劳动保护(Labour Protection of Junior Worker)....39
3.23 疲劳(Fatigue)....39
3.24 高温作业(High-Temperature Operation)....39
3.25 低温作业(Low-Temperature Operation)....40
3.26 高处作业(Work High above the Groud)....40
3.27 带电作业(Live Line Work)....40
3.28 高原作业(Altitude Work)....40
3.29 潜水作业(Water Diving Work)....40
3.30 潜函作业(Caisson Work)....40
4  应急救援与防灾减灾(Emergency Rescue and Disaster Prevention and Reduction)....41
4.1 应急管理(Emergency Response Management)....41
4.2 应急管理体系(Emergency Response Management System)....41
4.3 应急管理体制(Emergency Response System)....41
4.4 应急管理机制(Emergency Response Mechanism)....41
4.5 应急管理法律(Emergency Response Law)....41
4.6 应急能力(Emergency Response Capability)....42
4.7 应急预案(Emergency Response Plan)....42
4.8 应急设施(Emergency Facilities)....42
4.9 灾害(Disaster)....42
4.10 公害(Public Nuisance)....42
4.11 自然灾害(Natural Disaster)....42
4.12 地质灾害(Geological Disaster)....43
4.13 气象灾害(Meteorological Disaster)....43
4.14 灾害管理(Disaster Management)....43
4.15 备灾(Preparedness)....43
4.16 减灾(Mitigation)....43
4.17 减灾系统(Disaster Mitigation System)....43
4.18 灾害响应(Disaster Response)....44
4.19 救灾(Relief)....44
4.20 致灾因子(Hazard Factor)....44
4.21 承灾体(Hazard Bearing Body)....44
4.22 灾害链(Disaster Chain)....44
4.23 脆弱性(Vulnerability)....44

上一篇:某公司安全员考试试题(DOC 7页)

下一篇:安全技术真题(DOC 10页)

某中学安全管理制度(doc 11页)

建设部安全管理台账资料(DOC 74页)

船舶营运安全管理教材(PPT 184页)

UL1703平板型太阳能组件安全生产认证标准(DOC 24页)

各级管理人员安全责任制及到位标准(DOC 37页)

低压配电房安全操作规程(PPT 31页)

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