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振荡器模拟知识讲座(pdf 16页)


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About this lab exercise: This lab exercise is in two parts:
Part 1: You use a prebuilt example oscillator file and perform one simulation.
Part 2: You build an VHF VCO and preform several simulations.
· Use OscTest Element to get frequency and S-parameter information.
· Build an oscillator and simulate numerous performance tests.
PART 1: PROCEDURE – Oscillator Example
1. Create a new project named: oscillator
2. Copy the example design into your directory
From the Main window, use the Copy Design command. When the dialog
box appears, browse the example directory and copy from:
examples \ tutorial \ LearnOSC_prj \ networks \ Osctest_VCO.
To Path: oscillator_prj \ networks\
3. Open the new oscillator schematic design
a. Zoom in on the device and notice that it has two emitters. You can
remove the pin labels in the Pin/Tee tab of the Options>Preferences
dialog. Notice that the unconnected emitter is showing red
(unconnected pin) – this is OK.……

上一篇:挖掘机故障分析案例(doc 47页)

下一篇:提升机皮带安装使用说明(doc 5页)

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机器设备评估概述(PPT 129页)

大型设备安装地基相关知识(PPT 40页)

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