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企业库存管理详述(英文版)(ppt 56页)


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There are a number of circumstances under which it would be appropriate to treat as being deterministic even though     is not zero. Some of these are:
When the variance of the random component,     
is small relative to the magnitude of.
When the predictable variation is more important than the random variation.
When the problem structure is too complex to include an explicit representation of randomness in the model.

The Newsboy Model (Continuous Demands):
The demand is approximately normally distributed with mean 11.731 and standard deviation 4.74.
Each copy is purchased for 25 cents and sold for 75 cents, and he is paid 10 cents for each unsold copy by his supplier.
One obvious solution is approximately 12 copies.
Suppose Mac purchases a copy that he doesn't sell. His out-of-pocket expense is 25 cents  10 cents = 15 cents.
Suppose on the other hand, he is unable to meet the demand of a customer. In that case, he loses 75 cents  25 cents = 50 cents profit

The Newsboy Model (Continuous Demands):
Normally distributed with mean     = 11.73 and standard deviation = 4.74.
Since Mac purchases the magazines for 25 cents and can salvage unsold copies for 10 cents, his overage cost is
= 25  10 = 15 cents.
His underage cost is the profit on each sale, so that= 75  25 = 50 cents.



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