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自动化仓库系统介绍(ppt 20页)(英文版)


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500,000 for one aisle of a mini load (totes)
1million for one aisle of the standard pallet size AS/RS
These prices come from Jim Nunor at SK Daifuku and are just estimates.  The prices include all hardware and software, installation, warranty, and service agreement.
Industries that commonly use AS/RS include: food and consumer goods manufaturing, grocery and retail, automotive, chemical, and electronics.  Anything that can be put into some kind of unit load can be stored in an AS/RS.
Some of the ANSI/ASME B56 standards apply
AS/R systems are rated by load capacity.  But nothing is standard since loads can range between 2000lbs and 4000lbs.
Modern Materials Handling.  “Delivered to your dooorstep” by Megan McCoy, Associated Editor.  July 2003, pp. 37-39.
Given the information on the second page of the article about the AS/RS at the Chicago Tribune, find the foot print of the AS/RS.  Assume there is a 3 inch gap on all sides of all pallets.



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