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60天库存精度管理(pdf 16)


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Despite great advances in manufacturing technology and management science,
thousands of organizations still don’t have a handle on basic inventory record
accuracy. Many companies don’t even measure it properly, or at all, and lack
corrective action programs to improve it. This paper offers an approach that has
proven successful a number of times, when companies were quite serious about
making improvements. Not only can it be accomplished, but it can likely be done
within 60 days per area, if properly managed. The hardest part is selling people
on the need to improve and then keeping them motivated.


下一篇:ILT三级证书系列课程-库存管理(PPT 85)

企业库存管理技术要求(ppt 73页)

库存控制的新策略(ppt 19页)

库存与存货核算系统(PPT 106页)

库存管理系统基本操作(doc 58页)

库存管理培训资料(ppt 40页)

无库存生产方式讲义(ppt 45页)

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