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英语基础写作训练课程(ppt 18页)


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假如你是个中学生, 你发现大街上随地吐痰的情况很严重。(请你就此事用英文给某报社编辑写一封信,信的开头及结尾署名已给出。信的内容要点如下: )
1. 随地吐痰传播疾病,有害健康,污染环境;
2. 政府应该采取措施,对在公共场所随地吐痰者处以从重罚款并加强教育;
3. 希望人人都关心爱护环境,使城市更加美丽。
Dear editor,
     I am a middle school student. I often see some people spitting in the street. I think it's a bad  habit to spit on the ground. As we all know, spitting carries and spreads diseases, pollutes our environment and does harm to our health. Our
government should take some measures to protect the environment. If someone spits in a public place, he or she will be fined heavily and educated. For
my part, our city will become more beautiful if all
the people care about the environment.
                                                    Yours sincerely,
                                                    Li Hua



下一篇:基础英语写作要求(ppt 16页)

谈公文的主题、材料与结构(ppt 21页)

公文管理基础知识与公文管理制度(ppt 28页)

写作的个性差异与因材施教(doc 7页)

公文写作与处理教材(PPT 36页)

公务文书与文书工作(ppt 31页)

国家行政机关公文格式(ppt 67页)

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