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现代企业新酬管理-工具和技术(英文)(ppt 30页)


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Strategic Components of Human Resources:
We believe in paying competitive wages that commensurate with job size and individual performance
We believe in being a firm, fair and caring employer. We strive to make employees value their jobs and want to remain in the organization based on their abilities to contribute and grow.
We believe in equipping employees with the necessary skills to do a good job, providing them with the tools, the environment, the support and the information needed to excel in their jobs.

What is Job Evaluation? 
Job evaluation is a decision process of comparing one job with another job with the aim of establishing the relative importance of jobs within the organization.
Job evaluation will provide an internally logical ranking of all jobs which will form the basis of the company’s salary structure

Principles For Job Evaluation:
Evaluating the job, not the job-holder
Evaluating the present job, not the future job
Job is being carried out in a fully acceptable  and competent manner
Process of evaluation is based on given facts  in the job descriptions.
Evaluate the job based on the “primary responsibilities” and ignore the “special personal-to-holder responsibilities.”


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