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Training and Developing Employees(英文版)(ppt 76页)


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Training and Developing Employees(英文版)内容提要:
Employment planning:
Human resource inventory report: A report listing the name, education, training, prior employer, languages spoken, and the like of each employee in the organization.
Job analysis: An assessment of the kinds of skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to successfully perform each job in an organization-决定工作职责与性质.
Job description(工作说明书): A written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done-说明工作内容及方法.
Job specification(工作规范): A statement of the minimum acceptable qualifications that an incumbent must possess to perform a give job successfully -说明担任此工作的人所需要的资格与条件

The Effectiveness of Interviews:
Prior knowledge about an applicant
Attitude of the interviewer
The order of the interview
Negative information
The first five minutes
The content of the interview
The validity of the interview
Structured versus unstructured interviews

Traditional Training Methods:
On-the-job training
Apprenticeship training
Informal learning
Job instruction training
Programmed learning
Audiovisual tools
Simulated training



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