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浅析海氏薪酬标杆(英文版)(ppt 23页)


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2、Project Objectives
3、Project Steps
4、Project Timeline
6、Position Information Questionnaire Addendum


Project Objectives:
Assess New Jersey Institute of Technology’s current
position classification program and make recommendations to ensure that it enables pay in an equitable and competitive manner.
NJIT’s current classification program has not been formally
reviewed in a number of years…concerns have developed about:
comparability of roles and job value across the organization,
turnover in certain areas, and the increasing complexity of work.

Know-How - the sum total of knowledge, however acquired,
necessary for competent job performance:
Technical Know-How
Managerial Know-How
Human Relations Skills

Hay will prepare a final report of findings and recommendations for NJIT Executives and Human Resources that will cover:
Assessment of internal equity
Results of market pricing analysis
Adjustments to classification and/or compensation structure
Cost of implementing changes
Impact of changes on current processes and bargaining agreements


上一篇:某集团薪酬制度改革报告(ppt 28页)

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