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中小企业绩效管理问题及相应对策(pdf 48页)


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第一节 论文选题的背景
第二节 论文选题的目的与意义
第二章 绩效管理简介
第一节 绩效管理概述
第二节 绩效管理工作的内容及程序
第三节 中小企业绩效管理的问题
第三章 我国中小企业绩效管理的现状与问题—以ABC 公司为例
第一节 ABC 公司绩效管理现状
第二节ABC 公司绩效管理中存在的问题
第三节 对ABC 公司绩效管理体系的改进建议
第四章 结束语


With the fast development of market economy, China’s market policy is getting mature gradually, and the competition between companies is pricking up. In order to find a way of survival and development, the companies have realized that it is very important for the company and the market to adopt scientific management methods, because the traditional management methods cannot meet the requirement of market. The core concept of model management is the management of human resource, so the HR management takes a very important place in the model management. And the management of performance is the most important task for HR management. The design and implementation of performance management system is a subject that many Chinese firms feel frustrated. An effective performance management system can assist the
company to supervise, encourage and restrict employee behavior, increase their enthusiasm and business performance, and help the company to achieve its strategic goals.
At present, many of the medium and small sized companies are adopting
performance management system, but they only have made a little effect. In this kind of situation, this paper analyzes the facts and problems of Chinese firm’s performance management. A typical case of ABC Company is discussed in the paper, the case is studied from the history, development and problems of the firm’s performance management. At last, some suggestions are presented to help Chinese medium and small sized companies to design and make use of performance management. I hope this paper can do help the companies to solve problems incurred in their implementation of performance management.


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