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某部门英语常用口语365句(doc 13页)


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2.Absolutely impossible!
3.All I have to do is learn English.
4.Are you free tomorrow?
5.Are you married?
6.Are you used to the food here?
7.Be careful.
8.Be my guest.
9.Better late than never.
10.Better luck next time.
11.Better safe than sorry.
12.Can I have a day off?
13.Can I help?
14.Can I take a message?
15.Can I take a rain check?
16.Can I take your order?
17.Can you give me a wake-up call?
18.Can you give me some feedback?
19.Can you make it?
20.Can I have a word with you?
21.Catch me later.
22.Cheer up!
23.Come in and make yourself at home.
24.Could I have the bill, please?
25.Could you drop me off at the airport?
26.Could you speak slower?
27.Could you take a picture for me?
28.Did you enjoy your flight?
29.Did you have a good day today?
30.Did you have a nice holiday?
31.Did you have fun?
32.Dinner is on me.
33.Do you have a room available?
34.Do you have any hobbies?
35.Do you have some change?
36.Do you mind my smoking?
37.Do you often work out?
38.Do you speak English?
39.Don’t be so modest.
40.Don’t bother.
41.Don’t get me wrong.
42. Don’t give up.
43. Don’t jump to conclusions.
44.Don’t let me down.
45.Don’t make any mistakes.
46. Don’t mention it.
47. Don’t miss the boat.
48. Don’t take any chances.
49. Don’t take it for granted.
50. Don’t worry about it.
51.Easy come, easy go.
52.Enjoy you meal.
53.Easier said than done.
54.First come, first served.
55.For here or to go?
56.Forget it.
57.Forgive me.
58.Give me a call.
59.Give my best to your family.
60.Have him return my call.
61.Have you ever been to Japan?
62.Have you finished yet?


上一篇:品质管理培训教材-抢答题(doc 6页)

下一篇:某企业培训系统解决方案(doc 53页)

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伊利集团新进人员岗前培训手册(ppt 67页)

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