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平衡计分卡的基本概念(英文版)(ppt 30页)


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Balanced Scorecard:
Management process to implement a business strategy.
Translates a company’s strategy into a coherent set of performance measures.
Establishes cause and effect relationships between Key Performance Indicators.
The Financial perspective is critical but it only measures past performance.
The BSC introduces additional perspectives, the drivers of future financial performance.
Balanced Scorecard
Fills the void that exists in the lack of a systematic process to implement and obtain feedback  about strategy.
It is a communication and learning system not a tool to control behavior and to evaluate past performance.
Many companies go through the process of creating a strategic plan but have no way to measure it’s effectiveness
‘Do you know how you are doing against your strategic plan?’
‘ Does your strategic plan include the perspective of your customer, internal business processes and learning and growth?’


上一篇:平衡计分卡的思想与方法(ppt 15页)

下一篇:绩效管理与平衡计分卡(doc 26页)

平衡计分卡在我国应用的可行性分析(doc 38页)

平衡计分卡与绩效管理内部资料(ppt 32页)

平衡记分卡与绩效管理的运用(doc 15页)

平衡记分卡在中国企业的实践管理(ppt 45页)

用六个步骤建立平衡计分卡(doc 8页)

某大型企业平衡计分卡培训课件(ppt 96页)

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