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外资企业的面试技巧大全(doc 52页)(英文版)


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1.Did you have any trouble finding us?
2.How do you know about this job and organization?
3.What kind of work do you want to do?
4.How would your friends describe you? Your professors?
5.What else should I know about you?
6.What are your expectations of your future employer?
7.What two or three things are important to you in your new position?
8.What goals have you set for yourself and how are you planning to achieve them?
9.Who has had the greatest influence on the development of your career interests?
10.Would your supervisor be surprised to learn that you are seeking new employment?
11.How long have you been looking for a job?
12.Why do you want to leave your current position?
13.Have you received any offers so far?
14.How far can you advance with your current employer?
15.If you are so happy where you are, why are you looking for another job?
16.Do you know much about our company, department, team?
17.Why would you like to work for us?
18.How does this job compare with others you’ve applied for?
19.What is the ideal position for you in any company?
20.Based on what you know about our industry right now, how does your ideal job stack up against the description of the job you’re applying for?
21.If you could make a wish, what would be you perfect job?
22.What causes you to lose your temper?
23.What two adjectives best describe you?
24.What are your best professional skills?
25.If you were in my position, would you hire you?


上一篇:企业结构化面试技巧培训教程(ppt 55页)

下一篇:求职应聘技巧培训讲座(ppt 51页)

劳动法与劳动合同法(ppt 29页)

东南大学远程教育孙虹-员工招聘培训(PPT 30页)

面试应对方法概述(PPT 56页)


求职与招聘培训课件(PPT 42页)

人力资源管理行为面试法概述(PPT 73页)

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