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国际职位评估系统(PPT 53页)


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国际职位评估系统 International Position Evaluation

不清晰的职位等级 Unclear Ranking of Positions
清晰的职位等级 Clear Ranking of Positions
职位评估系统因素 Position Evaluation Factors
职位评估系统分数 The IPE Points
职位评估系统七个因素的比重 The Weighting of IPE Factors
因素一:对企业的影响 Impact on Organization
heavily weighted in the Position Evaluation

the more positions there are on the same organization level, the less impact the positions have

measure the influence the position has on organization’s result both in the short- and long-term

evaluating the impact from the top of the organization downwards 由上而下进行评估




上一篇:财务、人力、市场部门岗位说明书(DOC 79页

下一篇:贝恩咨询做的全套职位描述(DOC 58页)

办公室司机的职务说明书(doc 2页)

岗位任职要求说明书(DOC 51页)

川菜餐厅主管岗位职责(doc 2页)

品保部出厂检验岗位描述(doc 2页)

非直接入药药村粗粉碎工的工作职责(doc 2页)

企业市场调研部岗位职务描述(doc 2页)

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