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员工素质模型(PPT 27页)


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What problem are we trying to fix?
Where do “competencies” fit in?
What is the state of current practice?
What is a competency?
What is competency modeling?
How did LAUSD develop its “starter” set?
What is the LAUSD Competency Framework?
How will it evolve?
How is it used in Selection?
Lessons learned so far…
Next steps…
>40,000 Classified employees
40,000 Certificated

>1100 job classifications
Some have thousands of incumbents, some have a single incumbent
Several new classes per month

Numerous departments/divisions
Facilities, Transportation, Cafeteria, Business Services, ITD, Police, and so on

Rapid growth and contraction simultaneously
Bond funding for new school construction $10B+
IT revolution of labor intensive processes
School Safety initiatives
State-wide budget cuts – layoffs
Personnel Commission: “Do more with no more or less”


上一篇:某企业员工守则(DOC 22页)


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厦门某公司员工手册(doc 34页)

员工压力管理概述(doc 78页)

最有效企业人才测评技术(ppt 87页)

员工培训实务模板(PPT 59页)

收银员时段化工作培训教材(PPT 45页)

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