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全球气候变化背景下城市可持续发展的战略选择(PPT 42页)


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1.全球气候变化、碳排放与城市化关系 The relationship between global climate change, carbon emissions and urbanization
2.气候变化影响下城市转型发展的趋势 The trend of urban transformational development under the influence of climate change
我们追求什么样的城市? ——生态城市概念的提出 What kind of city we pursue?——Proposal of the eco-city concept
中国正处于快速城镇化与环境资源危机并存的阶段 China is undergoing a stage that rapid urbanization and environmental resource crisis coexist
发展低碳生态城市是中国推进可持续城镇化的必然选择 The development of low-carbon eco-city is China’s inevitable choice to promote sustainable urbanization
中国未来能源消耗与碳排放的不同情景分析 Different scenarios of China's future energy consumption and carbon emissions
低碳情景下中国未来城镇化战略目标的确定 The  determination of China's future strategic objectives of urbanization under low-carbon scenario
低碳生态城市转型发展的愿景设计 The vision design of the low-carbon eco-city transformational development
4.中国低碳生态城市发展的行动路线图设计 The action roadmap design of China's low-carbon eco-city development
(1)贯彻低碳生态理念、采取新型建设模式 Implement a low-carbon ecological concept, take a new construction model
(2) 制定多元评价标准、引导低碳城市规划 Establish a multi-evaluation criteria , guide low-carbon urban planning

上一篇:全球化与不平衡发展讲义(PPT 42页)

下一篇:心理治疗的发展趋势论文(PPT 42页)

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