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The purpose of this paper is to provide a new approach for investigating the competitive
interactions in the large. Another purpose of this paper is to study emergent strategic
behaviors and to analyze the effects of bounded rationality and the mimicry strategy in the
competitive situations. We show how the society gropes for its way towards equilibrium in
an imperfect world where agents are sensible but not perfectly rational. They have limited
information, and there is no common knowledge among them. This paper is also about
social learning and shows how the society as a whole learns even when the individuals
composing it do not. Specifically, it is about the evolution of social norms. We especially
examine how conventions evolve in a society that begins in an amorphous state where
there is no established custom, and individuals rely on hearsay to determine what to do.
With simulations, we provide specific conditions as to which conventions are most likely
to emerge.
Keyword: bounded rationality, local interaction, strategic interaction, mimicry, social

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